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Should I Switch My Sanitizer to CCH Cal Hypo Tablets?

Crystal Clear pool water

If you own or manage a commercial pool, you know how important it is to keep the water clean and safe for your guests. You also know how challenging it can be to find the right sanitizer that meets your needs and budget. There are many options available, but not all of them are equally effective, convenient, or cost-efficient.

In this blog post, we will compare four common types of pool sanitizers: trichlor tablets, pool salt, liquid chlorine, and CCH cal hypo tablets. We will look at their pros and cons, and explain why now may be the best time to make the switch to CCH cal hypo tablets.

Trichlor Tablets

Trichlor tablets are one of the most popular ways to sanitize a pool. They are easy to use, you just need to place them in a floating dispenser or an automatic feeder. We carry them in 99% available chlorine. They also contain cyanuric acid, which stabilizes the chlorine and protects it from UV degradation.

They are easy to store, handle, and apply. They come in compact and lightweight pails that can be stacked and stored in a small space. They are also safe and environmentally friendly, as they do not leak, spill, or emit harmful fumes. They have an average shelf life of 1 year.

However, trichlor tablets have some major drawbacks. First, they have a very low pH level, which means they lower the pH and alkalinity of the pool water. This can cause corrosion, staining, and eye irritation. You will need to be diligent about testing the pool water and maintaining the levels. Plan on keeping Sodium Bicarbonate on hand to raise the total alkalinity and Soda Ash to raise the pH to properly balance the water and prevent damage to your pool and equipment.

Second, trichlor tablets increase the cyanuric acid level in the pool over time. Cyanuric acid is beneficial in small amounts, but too much of it can reduce the effectiveness of chlorine and increase the risk of algae and bacteria growth. In general, 1 pound of trichlor raises CYA by about 3.5 PPM. You will need to monitor the cyanuric acid level regularly and dilute the pool water when it gets too high. The only effective way to reduce the cyanuric acid level is to drain the water (not necessarily a full drain) and refill with fresh water.

Third, trichlor tablets are not suitable for shock treatments or superchlorination. They dissolve too slowly and do not raise the chlorine level fast enough to kill contaminants. You will need to use a different type of chlorine, such as liquid chlorine or cal hypo granular, to shock your pool.

Pool Salt

Pool salt is another option for pool sanitization. Pool salt is not a sanitizer by itself, but it is used in conjunction with a chlorine generator, also known as a salt water chlorinator. The chlorine generator converts the salt into chlorine gas, which is then dissolved in the pool water.

Pool salt has one advantage over trichlor tablets. It does not add cyanuric acid to the pool, so you will not have to worry about chlorine degradation or reduced sanitization. However, you do need to maintain the cyanuric acid at certain levels (per your salt system) so plan on adding and maintaining SOME cyanuric acid to your pool. So if you thought you were eliminating the need for CYA, think again.

Pool salt also has several disadvantages. First, it requires a large initial investment to buy and install a chlorine generator. The generator also consumes electricity and requires regular cleaning and replacement. The chlorine generator also needs regular maintenance and cleaning to prevent scaling and clogging. You will also need to replace the costly cells every two to four years. The equipment can be extremely expensive and requires at least maintenance and replacement costs.

Second, pool salt can be corrosive to some pool surfaces and equipment, especially metal parts. You will need to use a sacrificial anode to protect your pool from galvanic corrosion. You will also need to rinse your pool deck and furniture regularly to prevent salt damage.

Third, because a salt system is creating sodium hypochlorite, you may find that your pH and total alkalinity levels are extremely high. This can cause scaling, cloudiness, and eye irritation. You will need to monitor and adjust these levels frequently and make sure you keep muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate on hand to lower as needed. You will also need to add a stain and scale product on a weekly basis to prevent damage to your pool
and equipment.

Finally, pool salt can be affected by environmental factors, such as temperature, rainfall, and evaporation. You will need to monitor the salt level and adjust it accordingly to maintain the optimal chlorine production. You will also need to shock your pool periodically with a non-salt chlorine product such as calcium hypochlorite to prevent algae and bacteria growth.

Liquid Chlorine

Liquid chlorine is another alternative to trichlor tablets. Liquid chlorine is a strong bleach solution that contains around 10-12.5% available chlorine so it is mostly made of water. It is poured directly into the pool water or through a chemical feeder, where it quickly dissolves and sanitizes the water. Large volumes of this product are needed due to low concentrations of active chlorine.

Liquid chlorine has some benefits over trichlor tablets and pool salt. It is fast-acting, as it raises the chlorine level immediately and kills contaminants. It is also ideal for shock treatments and superchlorination, as it can be added in larger amounts to reach shock
level quickly. It does not contain cyanuric acid or calcium, so it does not contribute to chlorine degradation or scaling. However, keep in mind that every gallon of liquid chlorine you use is the equivalent of adding 1 lb of salt to your pool.

Liquid chlorine does have some drawbacks. It has a high pH level, which means it raises the pH and alkalinity of the pool water. This can cause scaling, cloudiness, and eye irritation. You will need to add more chemicals to balance the water and prevent damage to your pool and equipment. Plan on keeping muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate on hand to lower as needed.

Second, liquid chlorine is unstable and degrades quickly, especially in sunlight and heat and at high altitudes as mentioned above. You will need to store it in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, and use it within a few weeks of purchase. It only has a 90 day shelf life at room temperature and will suffer at least 30% loss of strength after 21 days
of storage at 85°F. You will also need to add more liquid chlorine to your pool more frequently to maintain a consistent chlorine level.

Finally, liquid chlorine is cumbersome to handle and transport. It comes in heavy and bulky plastic jugs that that can leak or spill. It can also be hazardous to your health and the environment, as it can cause burns, irritation, and pollution. You will need to wear protective gear and follow safety precautions when using liquid chlorine.</P
CCH Cal Hypo Tablets
CCH cal hypo tablets are a newer and better option for pool sanitization. CCH tablets
are made of calcium hypochlorite, which is a powerful and effective chlorine compound.
They are placed in a specialized feeder, which delivers a controlled and consistent dose
of chlorine to the pool water. You will need to maintain a CYA level of only 8 ppm.
CCH tablets have many advantages over trichlor tablets, pool salt, and liquid chlorine.

Here are some of the reasons why CCH tablets are the best choice for commercial

  • CCH tablets are non-stabilized, which means they do not contain cyanuric acid.
    This eliminates the problems of chlorine degradation and reduced sanitization
    that occur with trichlor tablets and pool salt. You will have more control over your
    chlorine level and water quality with CCH tablets.


  • CCH tablets have a more neutral pH level, which means they do not lower or raise
    the pH and alkalinity of the pool water significantly. This reduces the need for
    additional chemicals to balance the water like soda ash, sodium bicarbonate and
    calcium chloride and prevents corrosion and scaling that occur with trichlor
    tablets and liquid chlorine. You can expect to use more Muriatic Acid or Sodium
    Bisulfate to offset a rise in your pH. However, the pH rise will be much less
    significant than what you see with salt or liquid chlorine. You will save money
    and time on water maintenance with CCH tablets.



  • CCH tablets contain calcium that is protective to pool surfaces and grout and not
    harmful to your pool decking.



  • CCH tablets are versatile, which means they can be used for both regular
    sanitization and shock treatments. They dissolve quickly and raise the chlorine
    level fast, making them ideal for killing algae, bacteria, and other contaminants.
    You should not need to use a different type of chlorine to shock your pool with
    CCH tablets.


  • CCH tablets are convenient, which means they are easy to store, handle, and
    apply. They come in compact and lightweight pails that can be stacked and
    stored in a small space. They are also safe and environmentally friendly, as they
    do not leak, spill, or emit harmful fumes. They have an average shelf life of 1
    year. You will have less hassle and risk with CCH tablets.
  • Most importantly, the pool water clarity you can achieve with CCH tablets can not
    be matched. Since you are maintaining such a low level of CYA, you will enjoy a
    higher rate of transformation to HOCL – the chlorine is actually working!

    Here’s a
    great comparison of the same pool before with Tri-Chlor tablets and after with
    CCH tablets.

    CCH Pool tablet comparison


    As you can see, CCH tablets are the best choice for commercial pools. They offer
    superior performance, convenience, and cost-efficiency compared to trichlor tablets,
    pool salt, and liquid chlorine. They also address the common issues of chlorine
    degradation, pH imbalance, and scaling that plague other sanitizers.

    If you want to switch to CCH tablets, you will need to install a CCH feeder, which is
    designed to work exclusively with CCH tablets. The CCH feeder is easy to install and
    operate, and it comes with a warranty and technical support. We have partnered closely
    with the manufacturer to offer FREE EQUIPMENT if you want to make the switch.
    Contact us today to see if your property qualifies and schedule an appointment to speak
    with one of our technicians.

Should I Switch My Sanitizer to CCH Cal Hypo Tablets?
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