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Spa Pure Calcium Hardness Up 1 lb


SKU: SP CH1 Categories: ,


SpaPure Calcium Hardness Up 1 lb for Spas & Hot Tubs

Low calcium hardness can corrode the heater and damage the spa surface, and also can contribute to excessive foaming. High calcium hardness can cause scale buildup and cloudy water. High water temperature of a spa makes it more difficult for calcium to stay in solution, so it is recommended to use Stain and Scale Preventer weekly to prevent scale buildup.

If you are adding soft water to your hot tub replace the calcium as soon as possible. Water Softeners take the calcium from the water and can cause equipment damage and corrosion.


  • Calcium Hardness increaser for hot tubs
  • Prevents damage caused by low calcium levels
  • Granular formula
  • Raises total hardness


  • 1 Pound


  • 1 oz of this product will increase the calcium the hardness by 10 ppm per 500 gallons of water.


  • 100% Calcium Chloride Granules


Spa Pure Calcium Hardness Up 1 lb

Additional information

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 2 in
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